The weed returns…. but why?
You may recall that we explained (with a great deal of excitement) about our latest cunning plan to combat the weed covering on the surface of the canal water. At some considerable expense, we installed two transducers to zap the weed that grows from the silt. And we were thrilled at the results! The recent hot and sunny weather is perfect for weed growth, but we had only a small amount compared with other waterways. Some 70,000 tonnes was removed from Regents Park Canal in just a few days and other waterways have suffered closure. (The above photo illustrates the problem).
So we were disappointed to see our enemy, the weed, return. This called for some investigation and we found that the transducers had mistakenly been disconnected from their power supply. (We have now installed alarms on the top of the transducer boxes to ensure that this doesn’t happen again).
Our working party have been doing some back breaking work to remove as much regrowth as possible, so well done to them! Here’s hoping we remain comparatively weed free for the rest of the summer.