Closed… but not quite

With the onset of lockdown #3 and rising numbers of Covid cases, our Trading Board has taken the decision to “shut up shop”, almost literally. So our popular Cafe is now closed and the volunteer working party are “resting” except for attending any emergencies.

But…. we remain very active behind the scenes.

We have been delighted to receive a steady flow of volunteer applications for a variety of roles including Trading Board director, cabin crew, deck crew, to name but a few. Bernice and Catherine have been kept busy “meeting” every applicant over the phone and email. This bodes well for when lockdown eases, when hopefully we can properly welcome a number of new people to the Canal “family”.

Our loyal customers have been busy too with their cameras. We have already received over 80 photos since the start of 2021 and 21 entries for our photo competition. Many thanks to all of you. Don’t forget to send in your snaps, details at

Our grants application volunteers have been in full swing, applying for many grants; we are likely to find out which have been successful over the coming weeks. Donations can also be made to our Canal bank restoration fund via

Meantime, we continue to “zoom” with our colleagues at Visit Chichester, Chichester Chamber of Commerce, Volunteer Action in Arun and Chichester (VAAC) and others. These groups offer rich sources of information and an excellent opportunity to network with others in the local area.

Stay safe everybody and do follow us on social media for daily posts and photographs.

Photo credit: Catherine Cannon


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