Why not put a team together and sign up for 2016! The Dragon Boat Challenge is on Sunday 12 June, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Plenty of fun, food and activity for all to enjoy. If you ...
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Do you enjoy meeting people? Then come and join our happy band of volunteers in the canal shop/cafe. We serve hot and cold drinks, sandwiches, cakes, ice creams as well as selling row boat hire. boat trips, ...
Lots of fun while volunteering Do you have just a few hours to spare each month? Do you enjoy fresh air and meeting new people? Are you moderately fit and looking to have some fun? Yes? then ...
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To Squeak and Hattie Launch Competition! JJ Morval is holding a competition for 6-8 year olds to colour in a picture of a tortoise, ( Tortoise Template ) which they can return either a scanned or photographed copy of ...
Pictorial and historical talks A visual tour around the World Heritage site, this talk is presented by Arun Talks in association with Chichester Ship Canal Trust. The talk will give you a blast from the past taking you back ...
Pictorial and historical talks Ever wondered what life on a barge was like? What role horses played on a canal? Then join Arun Talks in association with Chichester Ship Canal Trust for a historical talk based around canal life. ...
Admiral Sir George Murray’s finest hour replayed Thanks to the Chichester Murray Club and to Portsmouth Model Boat Display Team, some two or three hundred people were entertained by a wonderful spectacle of ships, loud canons, an ...
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Sunday, April 3rd at 2 p.m. Ships on display from 11 a.m. Admiral Sir George Murray, Chichester Mayor in 1815 and Captain of the Fleet and Admiral Lord Nelson’s Friend led the battle of Copenhagen. It was ...
Weekend and Half Term Canal Boat trips from the 13th February As a special treat, all our February trips include complimentary freshly ground coffee, hot chocolate or tea in our Cafe. So why not come along and ...
Action stations for 4 tricky manoevres Truly a sight to behold as Kingfisher, our new boat, was expertly winched across the tree tops and into the water. Followed by a similar procedure for 3 new pontoons and ...