Pie & mash cruise On 2nd November at 12:30 we are running a new type of canal cruise as a special offer. We have been gathering feedback from our many customers who have enjoyed a fish & ...
Reducing single use plastics Chichester Canal Cafe is delighted to have signed up as a Refill station. This means that people can ask to have their reusable water bottles filled with tap water, for free, at the ...
The weed returns…. but why? You may recall that we explained (with a great deal of excitement) about our latest cunning plan to combat the weed covering on the surface of the canal water. At some considerable ...
Time to take a boat trip With the balmy Mediterranean weather still with us for yet more days, this remains a great time of year to enjoy the sunshine, the scenery and abundant wildlife that the canal ...
Rotary annual dragon boat races draw in the crowds On Sunday, 10th June, the weather was kind to us and 12 teams grabbed their oars and took to the water. Hundreds turned out to support their teams ...
7 days of “thank you’s” Each day for a week from 1 to 7 June, we have thanked our 165 volunteers in pictures, stats and in the media, for the amazing work that they do. The cafe ...
Thank you to all! The first week of June marks that time of year when thousands of organisations celebrate the voluntary work carried out by even more thousands of volunteers across the UK. At Chichester Canal, we ...
Green fingered? Come and join our gardening team. It’s that time of year for planting up summer bedding and our “garden girls” Stella, Chris and Wendy have been busy clearing tubs and planting to ensure a magnificent ...
We have the answer! Our swans have been seen along much of the canal recently but this year’s nest has been devoid of eggs. Checking our good friend Google, it would seem that laying time is normally ...
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Thanks to our customers for great reviews For several years in a row, Chichester Ship Canal Trust has been awarded a much coveted Certificate of Excellence from Tripadvisor. These certificates are very hard to come by and ...